Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
975088 Historia Ludens
176151 ACM Transactions on Evolutionary Learning and Optimization 2688-299X ACM
88710 Scripta Classica Israelica 0334-4509 Israel Society for the Promotion of Classical Studies
5822 Journal of Aircraft 0021-8669 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
160764 JHEP Reports Innovation in Hepatology Elsevier
709097 Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 1895-8001 Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego
975223 International Journal of Computer Engineering and Technology 0976-6375 IAEME Publication
14102 IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 0272-4979 Oxford University Press (OUP)
164119 Prilozi Instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu 1848-6371 Institut za arheologiju u Zagrebu
178855 “Записки научных семинаров ПОМИ” - Zapiski Nauchnykh. Seminarov POMI - Note des séminaires scientifiques du département de mathématiques de Saint-Pétersbourg de l'Institut Steklov 0373-2703 ``Nauka'' S.-Peterburg. Otdel
982130 2024 32th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) 2076-1465 EURASIP – European Association For Signal Processing
981993 Frontiers in Ocean Sustainability 2813-8287
982298 Ressources énergétiques et stockage
981990 Revue pratique de droit social 0399-1148 La Vie ouvrière
978994 Journal of Neural Engineering 1741-2552
979065 The Review of Korean Cultural Studies 1598-9836
979081 Kazahstan spektr 1562-6318 Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies
979057 Qogam jane Dauir 2414-5696
979062 BULLETIN Series of Sociological and Political sciences 1728-8940
979126 Romania Droz
979059 Kazakhstan-Spectrum 1562-6318
57386 Albineana, Cahiers d'Aubigné 1154-5852 Association des amis d'Agrippa d'Aubigné [1988-....]
979289 International Journal of Research 2348-6848
979441 Department of Pacific Affairs discussion paper series
979426 Management International
863049 European Journal of Organic Chemistry
16760 Linear Algebra and its Applications 0024-3795 Elsevier
3436 Bioinformatics 1367-4803 Oxford University Press (OUP)
144340 Operations Research Perspectives 2214-7160 Elsevier
35156 Langues et cité 1772-757X DGLF - Observatoire des pratiques linguistiques
979517 Phytoma : la défense des Végétaux 1164-6993 Editions France Agricole
22406 Cortex 0010-9452 Elsevier
980068 Revue Africaine des Sciences Humaines et Sociales ISSN: 2737-856X 2737-856X Institut Universitaire des Études Africaines, Rabat
980051 Caspian Journal of Environmental Sciences - CJES 1735-3866 University of Guilan
17964 Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 0167-2789 Elsevier
376225 Nefrología (English Edition) 2013-2514 Spanish Society of Nephrology
709136 Journal of Social Computing 2688-5255 Tsinghua University Press
828128 Morals & Machines 2747-5174 Nomos Publishing
104600 Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies 2299-0984 Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium
727339 IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 2687-7813 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc
12018 Computer Communications 0140-3664 Elsevier
18453 Quantum Information Processing 1570-0755 Springer Verlag
18006 Physics of Plasmas 1070-664X American Institute of Physics
1815 New Journal of Physics 1367-2630 Institute of Physics: Open Access Journals
921767 Les Cahiers de La Mothe 1965-1589 Association pour La Mothe
2695 Aging Impact Journals
980320 Natura Sciences Natura Sciences
980289 Silence 0756-2640
176622 Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability 2634-4505 IOP Publishing